
What is FitPics?

FitPics is a tool that allows users to track their fitness journey by documenting it with daily photos. Once you receive a daily text from us, you can respond with a picture taken post your latest workout. All pictures sent via text to our FitPics account are automatically uploaded to your account.

Who Developed FitPics?

FitPics was developed by the team at Weekend MVP over two weekends as a fitness tracking tool. Weekend MVP is a group of developers who build open source projects over the weekend. You can check out our other projects at wkndmvp.com and twitter.com/weekend_mvp.

You can check out our other projects at:

Do I need to text in pictures?

No, you are not obligated to text your pictures. You can either send them to our account via text or directly upload them from your camera roll.

Is FitPics free?

Yes, FitPics is absolutely free of charge! It was developed as a demonstration project. Feel free to check us out on Twitter at https://twitter.com/weekend_mvp

How can I unsubscribe?

You can easily unsubscribe by navigating to the '/account' page and adjusting your settings accordingly.

Is FitPics.co secure?

FitPics uses Supabase auth and row level security to protect your account and images. This is an open source project and all code is viewable at https://github.com/Weekend-MVP/fitpics. That being said, we do not suggest uploading any sensitive personal information or photos to FitPics.